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Become a client

How do I become a customer of Vaanster?

First of all, congratulations on your new home, and welcome to Vaanster!

Vaanster ensures that hot water flows from your tap and that you can heat your home in the winter and cool it in the summer. Read all about registering your home here.

What does Vaanster supply?

Your home or office is sustainably heated and cooled by a Vaanster energy system, and we also ensure that your tap water is heated. You’re in good hands with Vaanster. Just remember to also set up a contract with an electricity and water provider, as we do not supply these services!

What is a personal account?

On 'My Vaanster', you can find all the important information relevant to you. Here, you'll find your rates, invoices, and consumption details. Additionally, you can manage various aspects yourself, such as adjusting your advance payment, setting up automatic direct debit, and updating your email address.

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Malfunctions and maintenance

Omschakelen van koeling naar warmte

Verwarming van jouw woning

Jouw woning wordt duurzaam verwarm en verkoeld door een Vaanster energiesysteem. Let op: het systeem kan jouw woning tot maximaal 22 graden verwarmen, afhankelijk van jouw vloerverwarming. Bij elk complex is er een ‘buitenvoeler’ geïnstalleerd die automatisch schakelt tussen koelen en verwarmen, afhankelijk van de buitentemperatuur. Wanneer de temperatuur langer dan 24 uur gemiddeld onder de 18 graden blijft, schakelt het systeem over naar verwarmen. Houd er rekening mee dat vloerverwarming iets trager reageert dan bijvoorbeeld een cv-ketel, dus het kan even duren voordat jouw woning volledig verwarmd is.

Bekijk de video voor meer uitleg

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When does maintenance take place?

If scheduled maintenance is going to take place, Vaanster will inform you at least three days in advance. Maintenance may be desirable or necessary. Due to the execution of the work, service delivery may be limited or interrupted for the shortest possible period.

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My heat delivery unit is leaking. What should I do?

Als er water uit de afleverset lekt, dan kun je direct de aanvoer van water naar de afleverset afsluiten. Dit doe je door de afsluiters dicht te draaien. 

Meld vervolgens de lekkage (telefonisch) bij Vaanster zodat wij de lekkage kunnen oplossen.
Via telefoonnummer 085- 7602992 is Vaanster 24 uur per dag bereikbaar voor het melden van een storing.

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Change details

I have forgotten the password to my personal account.

You can request a new password yourself. Click here to request a new password.

How can I submit my meter reading?

Most meters are read remotely by Vaanster, meaning the meter readings are collected digitally. However, there are times when you, as a resident, will be asked to provide a meter reading. For example, when you move into a home with a Vaanster energy system or when you move out of a home with a Vaanster energy system. In such cases, you will need to provide the meter reading for the date of the move and/or key handover.

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Can I set up a direct debit myself?

Yes, you can. You can manage this yourself in 'Mijn Vaanster'. Go to the “My Invoices” section, and under “My Payment Method,” you can enter your bank account details. This will then need to be processed administratively, and it’s possible that a payment request was already prepared.

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Rates and invoices

How does Vaanster calculate rates?

Each year, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) sets a tariff decision outlining the maximum rates that heat suppliers can charge users. The tariff decision specifies how a rate is determined. The methods used for this are:

1. The "Not-More-Than-Different" (NMDA) method, also known as the 'gas reference'.

2. Cost-based. Heat suppliers, including Vaanster, provide data annually which the ACM uses to calculate the average costs.

The term 'maximum tariff' might suggest there is room to set a rate below this maximum. In reality, the maximum tariff represents the average rate necessary to cover costs. Often, the tariffs set by the ACM are also the rates charged by Vaanster.

Various tariffs are applied, as the ACM distinguishes between different types of delivery sets and types of heat provided to your home. The type of heat refers to its purpose: space heating or hot tap water.

For all situations covered by the Heat Act, the tariff charged by Vaanster will never exceed the rate set by the ACM. The tariffs determined by the ACM and explanations about their calculation are publicly available on the ACM's website.

What happens if I don’t pay my invoice?

If an invoice is not paid, we will first send a reminder to encourage payment. If the invoice remains unpaid after this, we will issue a formal demand for payment. If the invoice is still unpaid afterward, a notice of default will follow.

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When will I receive my first advance invoice?

You will receive your first advance invoice approximately one month after registering with Vaanster. All Vaanster customers receive a monthly advance invoice, as is customary for energy consumption. We always bill one month in advance. Therefore, you will initially receive two invoices: one for the month you move in and one for the following month. After that, you will receive only one advance invoice per month.

Annual statement

Why do I have to pay extra?

When you first sign up with Vaanster, we estimate your heating and/or hot water consumption. Each month, you pay an advance based on your estimated annual usage. At the end of the year, we calculate your actual consumption and costs. If the initial estimate was too low or if you used more heat, you might have to pay extra.

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I cannot pay the annual bill (all at once).

If you are unable to pay your annual statement in one go, you can request a payment plan from us. Email us at and let us know how many months you'd like to spread the payments over. Please note that your monthly advance payments will still be required. Once we receive your request for a payment plan, we will process it and send you a confirmation with further details.

I see different rates on my annual statement

Please be aware that your annual statement does not necessarily correspond to a specific calendar year (January to December). Typically, the statement covers a period of 12 months, which may span two different years. As a result, different rates may apply for the entire period due to changes in government levies or the installation of a new meter. You will see this rate breakdown reflected in your annual statement.

My home

Can I find information about the equipment in my home somewhere?

Sure! Check the project page of your residential complex for all information about the components in your home.

We highly recommend taking the time to review all the information you find there and to watch the videos. This way, you’ll learn more about the system and what to do in case of a malfunction.

How do I read my energy meter?

There are different types of energy meters. Common brands include Kamstrup and Ista. The energy meter is often located in the meter cupboard or technical room of your home.

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Which thermostat is installed in my home?

The thermostat is the property of the homeowner. In a purchased home, that is you, and in a rented property, it is the landlord.

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Energy system

Omschakelen van koeling naar warmte

Verwarming van jouw woning

Jouw woning wordt duurzaam verwarm en verkoeld door een Vaanster energiesysteem. Let op: het systeem kan jouw woning tot maximaal 22 graden verwarmen, afhankelijk van jouw vloerverwarming. Bij elk complex is er een ‘buitenvoeler’ geïnstalleerd die automatisch schakelt tussen koelen en verwarmen, afhankelijk van de buitentemperatuur. Wanneer de temperatuur langer dan 24 uur gemiddeld onder de 18 graden blijft, schakelt het systeem over naar verwarmen. Houd er rekening mee dat vloerverwarming iets trager reageert dan bijvoorbeeld een cv-ketel, dus het kan even duren voordat jouw woning volledig verwarmd is.

Bekijk de video voor meer uitleg

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What is an air-to-water heat pump system 〈LWP〉?

LWP stands for air-to-water heat pump and is a variant of the IWP energy system. In an LWP energy system, each home has its own heat pump. An air-to-water heat pump extracts energy from the outside air, which is used to heat and cool a home. An air-to-water heat pump consists of an outdoor unit (also called the outdoor component), usually installed on the roof of a house or apartment building, and an indoor unit. The indoor unit is the actual heat pump.

Watch our video here.

How does an ATES system work?

In an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system, the ground is used to store heat and cold. In the winter, we extract heat from the ground and use it to warm buildings. However, in the summer, we need cooling. So, we cool buildings in the summer with the cold stored in the ground. The heat stored during the summer can be used later for heating. This process is facilitated by a heat pump that extracts heat from the ground and warms the building. ATES is a reliable and sustainable energy source that ensures efficient and comfortable use of heating and cooling.

Watch our video here.


What is the best flooring for underfloor heating?

The effectiveness of underfloor heating and cooling is highly dependent on the type of flooring used. To make optimal use of underfloor heating and cooling, certain requirements must be met for the flooring in the home. After all, the heat and cold are transferred to the living space through the flooring material (carpet, laminate, PVC, etc.).

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Use of underfloor heating

Underfloor heating provides a consistent temperature throughout the home, day and night. It operates at a lower temperature and heats up more slowly than a traditional radiator. The same applies to cooling via underfloor cooling. For optimal performance of both heating and cooling, Vaanster advises lowering the temperature minimally at night or when you are away from home for a short period.

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Comfort cooling ensures that your home is up to 3 to 4 degrees cooler than the outside temperature. On hot days, you can use comfort cooling for free, and this usage is not metered. We have compiled a few tips to help you make the most of the cooling system.

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