You always pay one month in advance. In the first month, you will receive two invoices: one for the current month and one for the following month. Each year, you will receive the annual statement and an adjusted advance payment amount, which will be based on your actual consumption. This depends on factors such as the set temperature, how long you shower, and the type of flooring you have chosen. You can find your rates, invoices, and consumption details in your 'My Vaanster' account.
Heat Act and ACM
Since January 1, 2014, the Heat Act (Warmtewet) has been in place in the Netherlands. This law provides clarity and protection for everyone who consumes heating or cooling. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is an independent regulator that oversees compliance with the Heat Act. This ensures that consumers are always well protected.
Would you like to read more about this? Then take a look at the ACM website.