
You are experiencing a malfunction, and that's certainly very inconvenient. You want it resolved as quickly as possible.

On your residents' page, you will find a step-by-step guide specific to your building, outlining what to do in various situations. It also indicates who to contact to resolve the issue.

It depends on where the malfunction is occurring. We supply heat and cooling to your home. If something goes wrong here, it means there is an issue with our central system, and we will fix it for you.

The distribution of heat and cooling within your home is managed by the so-called internal installation, which is the responsibility of the property owner. For example, this includes your underfloor heating. If the malfunction is within this system, you or your landlord will need to arrange for a technician to come and address the issue.

Please note: If the malfunction falls within a component that is not owned by Vaanster, we will charge the costs to you. This will be a minimum of €75 (including VAT) plus the repair costs. Check the property line on your project page to see which components belong to Vaanster and which belong to you.